Modeling Estuarine Morphodynamics under Combined River and Tidal Forcing : UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis DJV read


This work is dedicated to studying long-term estuarine morphodynamic behavior under combined river and tidal forcing. Analysis of river tides in the Yangtze River estuary (YRE) in China, schematized morphodynamic modeling in 1D and 2D mode and morphodynamic modeling of the YRE based on a process-based numerical model (Delft3D) are conducted. Morphodynamic sensitivities to river discharge magnitude and time variations, tidal strength and tidal constituents are then systematically explored. Analysis of river tides in the YRE reveals strong river-tide interactions and non-linear modulation of tides by river discharge. River discharge alters tidal asymmetries and resultant tidal residual sediment transport. Analysis of morphodynamic modeling results exposes significant mechanisms inducing tidal residual sediment transport and controlling long-term morphodynamic development. Morphodynamic equilibria in 1D and 2D simulations are defined by vanishing gradients of tidal residual sediment transports and empirical morphodynamic relationships. This research indicates the value of numerical modeling in examining long-term morphodynamic development in millennia time scale. Understanding of the controls on morphodynamic behavior in estuaries under river and tidal forcing is to the benefit of managing estuaries functions in a long-term point of view. "

Book Leicheng Guo - Modeling Estuarine Morphodynamics under Combined River and Tidal Forcing : UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis in DOC, MOBI, TXT

And because paper and ink can't do justice to a personality this big, an original 140 minute DVD documentary is included.The Other Side of the Riversensitively portrays the lives and hopes of the towns' citizens as they wrestle with this mystery--and reveals the attitudes and misperceptions that undermine race relations throughout America.Eye of Kuruman; 48.We see Hirschfeld, at age twenty-one, being influenced by the stylized drawings of Miguel Covarrubias, newly arrived from Mexico (they shared a studio on West Forty-Second Street), whose caricatures appeared in many of the most influential magazines, among them Vanity Fair .Ride along with Peg Willis as sheexplores the beginnings of this miracle highway and the men who created it.SHORTLISTED FOR THE GOLDSMITHS PRIZE 2016 The Great Field lies in the bend of a broad, meandering river.The smoke travelled half way around the northern hemisphere and made the moon and sun appear blue.Rather than merely reflect on these accomplishments, Speth uses the past to make the case that a new environmentalism is needed to confront today's challenges.The Iber presents a stark contrast to the modern world, a place where the trajectory of land health is moving toward integrity and wildness., A wonderland of sky, water, grass, and birdsong, the Ibera marshlands of Corrientes Province are the preeminent wildlife habitat in Argentina and an important natural treasure.This concise, practical book is an introduction to the fundamental principles of graphic logic and design, from the basics of scale to the complex mapping of movement or change.Lush lists and light-footedness and keen word choices all restore a limb to our comprehension of colonial trauma and make this one of the most lucid and telling poetry books of this exact time." -- Eileen Myles , author of Snowflake "Channer writes with a moving vulnerability and much lyric grace, revealing new facets to familiar themes--home, family, history, and the evolving journey of self.